tracy montgomery
somatic sex educator

Working with a sex coach is a unique opportunity to discover what you were never taught about sexuality and intimacy.
Are you ready to learn about yourself in a deep and authentic way, to learn to recognize your desires and how to communicate them?
Embracing your sexuality helps you to gain the confidence to be the person you want to be in the world.
Clients come to see to when they want a safe, non-judgmental person to guide them as they:
Explore who they are as an erotic being
Learn the anatomy of arousal
Explore sexual identity and play with gender
Learn to ask for, give, receive and take pleasure
Become orgasmic, or more orgasmic
Heal from sexual trauma or abuse
Become a better lover
Experience and learn Ecstatic Erotic Massage
Understand loss or lack of sexual desire – inside or outside of relationship
Heal female sexual dysfunction, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, inhibited ejaculation
Reconnect to sex after childbirth, menopause, or prostate surgery
Learn to experience/give extended and multiple orgasms
Heal chronic pelvic pain, vulvodynia, constrictions that inhibit sexual function
Become sexual with a disability
Understand unwanted or obsessive erotic attachment, jealousy, loneliness
Explore female ejaculation
Change habitual sexual roles or scripts
Address troublesome turn-ons, including “pornography addiction” or unwanted fantasies
Learn about or explore anal sex/ prostate massage
Expand their self-pleasuring practice
Learn to communicate desires
Explore power and surrender as aspects of sex play and pleasure
Talk about and learn about sex in a safe environment
And more. What do you want to explore?